I have to bundle up like a bear to handle the cold, but winter was always my favorite season.


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Yeah, was. 😢

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This reminded me of days playing in the snow as a kid in New England! Not quite as cold as Minnesota, but we had real snow ... Now we have whole winters without it. I remember in I think it was 2016 -- that was the last big winter, with feet and feet of snow, the sidewalks like canyons between piles. I wish we would get more. Maybe another winter like that some year soon. Also thanks for the great Prince song.

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Your photo of snowdrops remind me of my childhood in the UK, I miss them! I like winter only because it is a stage on the way to Spring, there is nothing better than those early spring mornings that smell so fresh. Sadly the advent of remote working has done away with”snow days” so we no longer get to enjoy the day off to sip hot chocolate after shove our driveways…we now have to work all day and still shovel the snow!

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In general I am a fan of work-from-home, but it is an injustice that they offer an excuse for schools and employers to get rid of snow days. It was ridiculous that during the last snowstorm, school districts had Zoom school instead of letting the kids have a snow day. Snow days are a human right!

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Hi Mari--I responded to this in my head yesterday. Doh. Now on paper (so to speak). This is a lovely paean to winter. I, too, love snow and all the associated crunches and tastes and tactile experiences it makes possible (feel, taste, see). THE SNOWY DAY is one of my all-time favorite books--not just children's books, but books overall. It's sad to think we will all have fewer snow experiences with continued global warming. It's good you are in Switzerland where if you hike high enough in the winter you will find snow. Hugs!

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Thank you so much for reminding me of The Snowy Day! Such a lovely, gentle book, that is so attentive to how kids enjoy experiencing the snow. It was a favorite of mine as a kid, and of Noah and Casey too. Hugs to you too!

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Thanks for sharing!

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