I loved the horse race, the movie “The Lost Daughter” (although I was so frustrated by that main character!), and your discussion and sharing of those paintings. It is interesting how she is so talented and her paintings are so varied (instead of having, as you mentioned, a recognizable style of her own).

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May 26, 2022Liked by Mari, the Happy Wanderer

So excited to see you mentioning the Big 5 and talking about agreeableness. There is a dark side to every trait, and overplaying anything (as you have so aptly demonstrated) can have negative consequences for oneself and/or others --- even something as innocuous-sounding as "agreeableness." You might like this brief chat by Linda Hill from Harvard talking about creative abrasion... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDKJTOhtYiQ

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Thank you for the Shostakovich.

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