I have family and friends who I love and who love me. People have reached out with support and I am grateful for them. I also have reached out to others the same.

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Our loved ones are such a source of strength, aren’t they? And I, like you, find that I feel better when I do something to help other people. I was just at the grocery store and let a lady go ahead of me in line. She gave me the loveliest smile as she thanked me.

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Here is one possible reason to feel better. Not all Americans feel like this: “Today millions of Americans are heartbroken, angry, and frightened.” Perhaps those heartbroken, angry, and frightened Americans could realize that other (also more) millions of your fellow citizens think this election is the best thing that could have happened. And we are your friends and family, we go to church and serve on school boards, we have kids and grandparents, jobs and pets. We simply and respectfully disagree with you on some topics. And we think the winners of the election better represent our beliefs and hopes. We think the recent past has in many ways been on the wrong path . . . and we hope our nation can find a better way with new leadership. You do not have to agree, but please consider you could possibly be wrong about some things. And others of us could possibly be right about some things. And we can both like pumpkin spice cake.

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Well, I do get that millions of Americans disagree with me and my compatriots on the left. The election and the months leading up to it have made that abundantly clear. So long as the disagreement is respectful, I honestly have no problem with it. We are large, and we contain multitudes. I admit that it is possible for me to be wrong.

I’m just hoping that should Trump act on his promise of “one brutal hour,” and of using the military against those of us on the other side of the aisle, whom he refers to as “the enemy within,” that there are enough patriotic Americans out there who honor the Constitution and will act to prevent a catastrophe.

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