In the U.S. many public schools and universities have begun classes, so we wish we were on the Swiss calendar.

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It’s really nice to have these last weeks before Labor Day free.

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Enjoy your break! Sadly the end of summer is always my busiest time at work as we welcome our freshmen students to the university my office is inundated with clearing students for campus housing. Why so many leave it to the last minute to handle doctors visits etc I will never understand! I am tired of angry parents and sobbing 18 year olds who went on vacation in July and now can’t get an appointment until September! And somehow it is now my fault I won’t allow them to live in dorms when we don’t know if they are healthy! Ok rant over! I do get to swim at our town pool and will be there all Labor Day weekend for the final hurrah!

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Sigh. Why is it so often the case that other people’s mistakes become our responsibility? Good luck with the scramble, and I hope you get lots of time at the pool!

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The rest of the summer: complete small and large projects around the house, teach the old new more new tricks, and attend the Minnesota State Fair with my daughter, her husband, and my granddaughter.

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Sounds wonderful! And maybe also you can meet some dear friends for dinner at Grand Szechuan?

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