
Lovely article, Mari. Thank you for being so positive about your mom and dad. Note: I can attest to the deliciousness of the kale recipe; Casey makes it frequently when she is here.

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I agree 💯. I never “made” (or even requested) my kids eat anything. They ate whatever was on offer, however much or however little, or they didn’t. It worked out well for us.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Mari, the Happy Wanderer

This was delightful -- both the sensible advice plus the bonus Calvin references! I'm so glad I clicked over. Sounds like your mom was much like mine. I actually liked broccoli and bell peppers as a kid, so she didn't worry too much about what I ate and never insisted I try anything in particular, which I always appreciated. She was very anti-candy when I was little, though. I had to give up all but a few pieces of my Halloween stash every year so she could give it to "the Great Pumpkin" (which years later I found out meant "the nurses' lounge at work," lol).

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Mari, the Happy Wanderer

Nice article. Loved the opening about Ruthsue. Great advice, nice recipe - Well done! (Pardon the pun ...was tempted to keep going - but I refrained!!!!) Love your articles

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Mari, the Happy Wanderer

Thank you for never serving cabbage soup, LOL

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